New album and single was released on March 19, 2020, the first day of Spring. The album title is “It Is The Journey”, with the single titled, “Love Me Now. The music is available on all digital platforms and James will be releasing a vinyl version as well. IT IS THE JOURNEY the album, is about trying to find your way and a place you can call home, amidst the turmoil, heartache, delusions, frustrations, privations, self-doubts, cries of the soul. It is a cry in the night, but a cry that is answered.
Available on, iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon and all other digital outlets. You can take a listen on Soundcloud as well.
James Harris Gruft is a composer, singer, and keyboard player (with a little guitar playing thrown in).
Over the years he has fronted several bands, including Living Folly with Lucas Rico Corrubia, Suffering Clams with John NewK Newcott, Core with Robert Perl and NewK, Gruft and NewK with NewK, Paul Amorese and Mike Chiavaro, Urban Hawks with Ian Walsh, James Wenzel and Jon Wenzel and more recently he has worked with The Giving Tree Band (Todd and E Fink, Charlie Karls, Norm Norman and Z) and with Packy. His musical training started with C James Hughes at Tappan Zee High School, Robert Printz, jazz pianist, and Will Johnson of Sonoma State University. He has released 6 CDs, including Perfect Peace, Give me the Strength, From Earth to Milky Way, No One Wants to Forget, The End of One, It Is What It Is, and the forthcoming vinyl LP, It Is the Journey. His music is rock, with influences by Jack Bruce, Leonard Cohen and Peter Gabriel. His message is unique; nothing less than a cry, at times a complaint, in any case an attempt to come to terms with a Higher Power personally and spiritually. So listen . . .
Oh, and by the way, James is also a physician, a healer of pain.
James’ social media: Facebook Instagram Website