CMA Close Up says Lizzie Sider is “Who to Watch” in 2013

“For a rising talent, an honorable recognition such as the ‘Who to Watch’ section in CMA Close Up serves as a benchmark for their hard work and dedication,” we are so excited to share this news about Lizzie.

     Lizzie’s forthcoming debut album is produced by Joe Vulpis (Lady Gaga) and is being mastered by Tom Coyne (Red-Taylor Swift).  Butterfly, the debut single penned by Lizzie and 2x #1 singer/songwriter Jamie O’Neal, Jimmy Murphy and Lisa Drew (There Is No Arizona), is a track that parallels Lizzie’s current journey to country music as songwriting served as her escape from being teased and humiliated in elementary school. The video is also currently in rotation on TCN (The Country Network) and is available on  and

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